Essential RO Water Treatment Series

Essential RO Water Treatment Series

Reverse osmosis (RO) uses high pressure to force water molecules across a semi-permeable membrane. This eliminates most (95%) of dissolved salts.

Membrane fouling and scaling are two problems that can impact the performance of RO systems. These are both heavily influenced by the quality of the feed water.


Reverse osmosis (RO) water filtration is one of the most effective ways to reduce a wide range of contaminants in drinking water. RO filters use household water pressure to push water through a semipermeable membrane. The pores in the membrane are so tiny that they can remove a lot of common water contaminants at a rate of 98% or more.

Unlike most other filtration methods, reverse osmosis can remove many different types of particles, dissolved minerals and organic molecules from your water, including cysts, bacteria, viruses, parasites, heavy metals, and organic chemicals like pesticides and VOCs. It can also remove other toxins, such as chlorine and chloramine, which are often found in tap water.

RO filters can also reduce fluoride, which is commonly found in community tap water. This is because the fluoride molecule is much larger than water molecules, making it harder for them to penetrate the RO membrane.

The ESSENTIAL RO4 is an advanced four-stage under counter RO system offering true protection from toxic contaminants. It contains our unique two stages of advanced carbon filtration along with a high-capacity 50 gallon per day reverse osmosis membrane.

It is the perfect choice for anyone looking to reduce a variety of contaminants, improve taste, and meet individual RO Water treatment series preferences for mineral removal. Its advanced carbon filtration removes and reduces chlorine, chloramine, pharmaceutical residues, dyes, fuels, total dissolved solids, rust, silt, sediment, heavy metals, lead, cysts and fluoride, while the high-capacity reverse osmosis membrane ensures true protection.

The ESSENTIAL RO4 is an easy-to-install RO water treatment system that you can place under your kitchen sink. It requires minimal maintenance, and you can change out the filter about once a year.


The reverse osmosis (RO) process is one of the most efficient and economical ways to purify tap water, especially for commercial and industrial applications. It is also the best way to ensure you are getting pure water that is safe for drinking and can be used as a source of nutrients for your plants.

RO membranes are made from a variety of materials, including cellulose acetate and ion exchange ceramics. Cellulose acetate is relatively easy to produce and has been the primary material used for RO since its inception. However, ion exchange ceramics have been successfully developed for RO and are now being widely used.

Some RO systems have additional features, such as a remineralization filter that will add calcium and magnesium minerals back into the water. This increases the pH level and makes the water more alkaline, resulting in a cleaner, fresher taste that can rival bottled water.

This remineralization filter is not always included with RO units and may have to be purchased separately. Adding these minerals will help to increase the effectiveness of your RO unit and ensure you are getting the most out of it.

If you have an RO system at home, be sure to check your water quality regularly. While it will be safe to drink, you should keep an eye on the pH of your water to make sure that it’s not too high or too low and that it doesn’t block your plants from absorbing essential vitamins, minerals, and other important compounds from your soil.

It’s also a good idea to add some calcium and magnesium supplements into your RO water to ensure you get the most out of it. You can do this by purchasing a CalMag additive or by using about 20% RO water and 80% tap water to create a balanced ratio of nutrients that your plants will enjoy.


Reverse Osmosis (RO) removes up to 99% of dissolved salts from your feed water supply leaving only permeate or product water. This process is effective in removing contaminants such as cryptosporidium, which affects the small intestine and can cause fevers and cramps.

RO membranes are very sensitive to high pressure and must be protected from damage during the installation, operation and maintenance of an RO system. Using pretreatment solutions to minimize fouling, scaling and chemical attack can extend the life of your RO membranes.

ESSENTIAL RO8 offers an intelligent, double pass reverse osmosis system with an advanced water control system. It adapts its production rate to the temperature of your tap water and discards primary low quality permeate.

This ensures a constant, high quality permeate is produced, protecting downstream purification technologies. This allows you to use the permeate to save water and is more environmentally conscious than single pass systems.

In addition to this, ESSENTIAL RO8 includes a chemical injection option which injects caustic between the first and second passes to remove carbon dioxide gas from the permeate. This can be useful if you have mixed bed ion exchange resin beds in place after your RO unit, as it increases the pH of the permeate water and converts C02 to bicarbonate (HCO3-) and carbonate (CO3-2) which can be more easily rejected by the membranes in the second pass.

Scaling is another common problem that can occur when dissolved salts and contaminants exceed their solubility limits and precipitate on the surface of the RO membranes. Scaling can lead to higher pressure drop across the RO system, higher salt passage, less salt rejection and lower permeate flow and quality.


ESSENTIAL RO9 is our newest reverse osmosis water treatment series and contains all the latest innovations in smart RO technology. It’s a great option for home, business and lab applications where high quality, clean water is important.

It’s a smart system because it adapts to the temperature of your tap water to produce a continuous supply of high-quality RO permeate. It also optimizes the recovery of rejected water, so that you can maximize your Progard membrane’s lifetime.

The ESSENTIAL RO9 uses an advanced Progard membrane and incorporates RFID technology to monitor a range of parameters. This helps you maintain a clear picture of the performance of your membranes and lets you make proactive decisions when it comes to cleaning and replacement.

Unlike many other RO systems, ESSENTIAL RO9 remineralizes your water to add back the essential minerals that your body craves. Minerals are crucial for fueling cells and expelling waste.

They can also help prevent certain diseases and increase overall health. Remineralization is an especially helpful way to boost calcium and magnesium levels, which can reduce the risk of bone fractures and premature birth.

Aside from its functional benefits, remineralization also creates alkaline water with a pH RO Water treatment series of 8.5 to 9. This is ideal for reducing the risk of high blood pressure and acid reflux.

In addition to the ESSENTIAL RO9, our line of water treatment systems also includes other high-tech options that are designed to make your life easier. We have under-sink and tankless RO solutions that will treat water on demand. They’re easy to use, don’t require a lot of maintenance and come with a warranty. Plus, we’ll even send you a reminder when it’s time to replace your filters!


Reverse osmosis is an effective and convenient way to purify water. This filtration process uses household water pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane that traps impurities from your water supply.

This method of removing contaminants is a common solution for homeowners because it is inexpensive and easy to install. It is also very efficient at removing parasites and bacteria, which is especially important in areas that have dirty water supplies.

A reverse osmosis system is generally comprised of a pressurizing pump, a cartridge filter and a semi-permeable membrane. The membranes and filters are typically replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and the RO system should always be connected to a storage tank to collect the permeate water for future use.

When the water passes through a reverse osmosis membrane, most of the salts and other contaminants are trapped within it. The remaining dissolved chemicals are pumped back into the feed water and used to wash out any residual impurities.

The concentration factor is a key concept that determines how much of the water will be recovered in the permeate stream, and how much will remain as the reject (or concentrate) stream. When this concentration factor is high, it can increase the potential for scale formation on the surface of the RO membrane, which can be harmful to the membrane.

An antiscalant can be added to the feed water before a reverse osmosis unit to reduce the scaling potential and to increase the recovery rate. The dosage of this chemical depends on the chemistry of the feed water and the design of the RO system.

Some systems also incorporate a remineralization process that adds calcium and magnesium to the water. These minerals are essential to the human body and help cells perform properly. Remineralized water has been shown to reduce the risk of premature birth, heart disease and bone fractures.