Health Benefits of an Aromatherapy Diffuser

Health Benefits of an Aromatherapy Diffuser

Aromatherapy diffusers infuse rooms with a range of fragrant essential oils. These oils are concentrated extracts from fragrant plants like lavender and eucalyptus.

Most aromatherapy diffusers are easy to use. Simply fill them with water, add your favorite essential oil and turn them on. Some have timers that automatically shut off.


If you’re prone to anxiety, depression or stress, aromatherapy can help calm your mind and ease those symptoms. Try using an essential oil diffuser with a relaxing scent to help you decompress in the evenings, such as lavender or chamomile.

Diffusing oils can also promote sensations of peace and relaxation, which can be helpful for reducing mood swings that often occur around the menstrual cycle or as a result of other hormonal fluctuations. This is one of the reasons why it’s important to only use high-quality, therapeutic grade essential oils in your aromatherapy diffuser.

Some essential oils also have antiviral, antifungal or antibacterial properties that can help preserve feelings of healthy airways and reduce irritation from seasonal allergies. Additionally, using an aromatherapy diffuser with a natural fragrance like lemongrass or tea tree can help eliminate pathogens in the home and boost immune function. This makes it a great alternative to burning candles and incense. This is particularly true if you have young children or pets in the house. The heat from a burnt candle or incense can alter the chemical composition of the oil and make it less effective.

Boost Your Mood

Aromatherapy can help you feel happy and satisfied, boosting your mood by encouraging self-care. It also encourages a aromatherapy diffuser calm and restful night’s sleep, which can improve your overall health and wellness.

Choose from a wide range of fragrances to suit your needs and mood, from calming lavender and rejuvenating peppermint to stimulating eucalyptus and invigorating citrus scents. Look for a diffuser with adjustable mist levels so you can enjoy the ideal level of fragrance intensity.

Many essential oils have been shown to boost mood and promote feelings of happiness, satisfaction, and wellbeing. Inhaling the scents of these oils can instantly make you feel better, and there are various ways to use them: add a few drops of an oil to your aromatherapy diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle; apply a drop to a cotton ball and inhale it; or mix a few drops with a carrier oil and massage it into your skin.

Ease Muscle Tension

If you have achy muscles after a workout or a long day at work, an aromatherapy diffuser can help ease the discomfort. A few drops of an essential oil like eucalyptus or lemongrass can help soothe a sore neck or back and promote relaxation, according to multiple studies.

These oils are also known to fight inflammation and help with headaches, respiratory conditions and more. If you’re looking for something that targets specific pain, a few research-backed scents to try include geranium oil (known to have anti-inflammatory and sedative effects), bergamot oil (proven to reduce stress) and ylang ylang, which has been shown to boost self-esteem in study subjects.

When choosing an oil to use in your diffuser, make sure you choose one labeled as safe for aromatherapy and that it was distilled using clean methods. Also, only fill your aromatherapy diffuser company device with filtered water; hard water from the tap may damage the unit over time, according to a naturopathic doctor at Fullscript.

Breathe Easier

There are a number of essential oils that have a positive impact on respiratory health. Rosemary oil, for example, has expectorant properties that help to clear the airways and relieve congestion. Lavender oil is also known for its ability to relax the lungs and make breathing easier. If you suffer from a respiratory condition such as asthma or COPD it’s always best to consult with your healthcare professional before using any essential oils at home.

An aroma diffuser can disperse a variety of essential oils in a small space for an inexpensive price. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any technical knowledge. You simply add water to the tank and then a few drops of your chosen oil. Once the water and oil are combined the ultrasonic vibrations of the diffuser break down the oil molecules into a fine mist that can be inhaled.

Another option for a diffuser is the nebulizing type that uses cold air to diffuse the scent of the oil. This process preserves the chemical constituents of the oil so you get a more precise and long-lasting scent.

Reduce Seasonal Allergies

An aromatherapy diffuser helps alleviate seasonal allergies by releasing the scent of essential oils into the air. Some essential oils are known to have antihistamine properties that reduce itching and sneezing caused by an allergic reaction, says Noorda.

Other oils have natural decongestant and expectorant properties that can help clear the respiratory tract. Peppermint oil, for example, contains menthol that relieves congestion and promotes easier breathing. Eucalyptus oil helps unclog sinuses and soothes irritated nasal passages.

You can also use an evaporative diffuser, which consists of a group of porous material—such as reeds or felt pads—that are soaked with essential oil. When the reeds or pads are manipulated, the oil evaporates into the air and disperses its aroma. This is the most popular type of aromatherapy diffuser.