How RFID Tags Are Used to Automate Inventory Control and Tracking


How RFID Tags Are Used to Automate Inventory Control and Tracking

RFID tags communicate with a reader over radio waves without the need to be in direct line of sight. They are widely used in industrial processes to drive efficiencies and track inventory.

RFID enables companies to create virtual fitting rooms that show products in different sizes and colors and recommend complementary items. It also helps them keep track of inventory and reduces the need for staffers to work late hours counting stock.


If you’re looking for a way to automate inventory control and tracking, RFID may be the solution. RFID technology is continuing to improve and get cheaper, making it more affordable than ever for businesses of all sizes to implement.

Unlike barcodes, RFID tags don’t need their own power source. They use an integrated circuit and antenna to communicate with a reader, which transmits data through radio waves at a specific frequency. The reader’s signal is detected by the chip and activated. The tag then sends the information to a computer or mobile device.

There are several different types of RFID tags, depending on your needs. Basic passive RFID tags cost about 10C/USD each and are great for paper or non-metal items, such as file management applications or access control systems. Metal passive RFID tags, on the other hand, are designed to work on metal surfaces and can be used for tracking IT or metal assets.

UHF RFID tags are also popular as they offer higher rates and read ranges, making them a great choice for supply chain applications. They are also less susceptible to interference from liquids or metals. They can be affixed to kegs of beer or cars, and are commonly used for driving efficiencies in the supply chain and controlling retail inventory. They also provide the ability to track assets in real time.


RFID tags can be hacked to collect information that would otherwise remain private, which can be a major concern for some RFID Tag individuals. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to protect RFID tag data and systems from unauthorized reading, logging and tracking.

The most effective measure is encryption. This can be implemented on both the tag and reader, ensuring that communication between the two is indecipherable to outsiders. This method can be expensive, however, and it requires the tag to do more computations. Another method to prevent eavesdropping and skimming is to use a switch that activates only when someone manually presses it. This prevents unauthorized skimming and is especially useful for personal belongings.

Another option is to use a lock password, which makes it impossible for skimmers to access the tag’s data. This method involves sending a 32-bit password to the RFID reader before the tag will transmit its data. Skimmers can’t provide the password, so they’re unable to access the tag’s data.

Other measures to protect RFID data include implementing anti-collision protocols that prevent a large number of tags from broadcasting at the same time, and choosing readers that gather tag info one at a time. Additionally, the RFID reader and database server should have mechanisms to fight denial of service attacks.


Unlike barcodes, RFID tags can be read from a distance without having to be in direct contact with them. This makes them suitable for tracking products in large spaces where there is no line of sight. Moreover, the technology can also function in environments that are dusty or dirty.

With RFID, the accuracy of inventory counts goes from 63% to 95%, and employees are able to find what they need quickly. This helps improve customer satisfaction and increases employee productivity. In addition, the system can automatically upload inventory data to the company’s ERP or financial management systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Active RTLS systems can also be used mifare desfire ev1 to track staff and equipment in hospitals. According to Okoniewska et al, the system can help reduce medication administration times and surgical time delays. However, the authors noted that the technology needs to be used in conjunction with existing protocols. They also recommend ensuring that the staff is trained and aware of the detection zones.

Another way to improve inventory accuracy is by analyzing the flow of goods in stores. By tracking the movement of RFID-tagged merchandise, retailers can identify patterns that may help them optimize their store’s layout and improve security. This can include monetizing high-traffic endcaps, reducing pinch points, or reducing shoplifting (a $94.5 billion problem in the US alone). They can even determine the best ways to display items to maximize sales.


Using RFID tags to track and manage inventory is an excellent way for businesses to improve work processes. The technology optimizes identification and data capture, reducing management time and lowering costs. Industries focused on supply chain management will benefit greatly from the reduced time and effort required to handle inventory.

RFID tags are tiny microchips that contain electronically-stored information. They can be passive, which means that they do not emit electricity, or active, which have an internal battery that powers them up when they’re coupled with a reader. They can also be categorized by their power source, form factor, and read range.

The development kit includes a reader and a recommended antenna, which can be used to test the technology in the field. This is a good option for companies that want to learn how to use the technology without committing a lot of money. It’s also an ideal choice for those who are just starting out in the world of RFID.

Some companies use RFID to track their shipments, and others are implementing the technology to help with omnichannel sales. For example, Unilever teamed up with Robomart to launch an on-demand ice cream truck in West Hollywood. The trucks are stocked with RFID-tagged ice cream and can be ordered through an app. The technology can track and monitor each truck in real-time, so customers can get their food in just a few minutes.