RFID Tag – What Is An RFID Tag?

RFID Tag – What Is An RFID Tag?

Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are used to identify, categorize and track specific items. They contain electronically-stored information and offer higher data capacity than barcodes.

The data on RFID tags may include a unique ID and serial number, or it may be more product-related such as a batch or lot number. RFID is often a component of Internet of Things deployments.


RFID makes inventory counts faster and easier by allowing workers to scan items from a distance. This saves time and reduces the likelihood of human errors. The technology also helps prevent stock-outs by sending real-time alerts when a company is nearing its maximum stock level.

Additionally, RFID can help retailers track the location of individual products and RFID Tag assets from end to end, which enables them to make more accurate supply chain decisions. This helps them reduce production costs and improve customer satisfaction. Moreover, this system can help manufacturers and distributors comply with regulatory requirements. For example, a company can use it to track returnable containers (pallets, racks, and bins) that are sent out with materials or finished products to stores and distribution centers. This can help them ensure that the containers are returned to the appropriate locations.

In addition to improving productivity, RFID tags also provide a more reliable method of tracking items in difficult environments. The tag’s ability to withstand extreme temperatures and environmental conditions means that it can be used in harsh warehouses where barcode labels might fail.

Another benefit of RFID is that it can save companies money by eliminating the need for manual labor. In addition, it can reduce the amount of data a worker needs to enter into a computer system. This can eliminate many errors in logging and recording information, which can be a problem for large volumes of data. It can also cut down on the time spent performing inventory, enabling retailers to reclaim valuable work hours for sales and other activities.


While RFID technology has many benefits, it does present security concerns. Since these tags can be used to collect information without the user’s knowledge, scammers are able to steal personal data and use it for fraudulent activities. Fortunately, security measures can be taken to protect against these risks.

One of the most common uses for RFID is to provide security in retail stores. This technology can help prevent theft by both customers and employees. It is also useful for speeding up the checkout process. This can be helpful for retailers that need to serve a large number of customers.

A RFID tag consists of a simple integrated circuit and an antenna, which is powered by radio waves at a specific frequency. When these waves come near the tag, they create an electrical field that activates the chip. This is why RFID tags can be used to stop shoplifting and other types of theft by detecting when they are not deactivated.

There are two different types of RFID security tags: covert and overt. The former is designed to encase the chip in a small space, such as a pocket, while the latter is designed to be applied directly to a product’s packaging. Both solutions are available in a range of colors and can be printed with the company’s branding or logo.


If you’re looking for a way to improve inventory management, increase accuracy, and reduce manual labor, RFID is an excellent option. It’s especially useful for expensive business assets like test equipment, computer tech, field vehicles and more. Depending on your application, you can choose from passive or active RFID systems.

Passive tags are the more affordable choice, costing only about $0.20 each. They’re a popular choice for products and pallets because they can be read from long distances without the need for manual scanning. In contrast, active RFID tags require a battery to power their integrated circuits and send data to readers. These tags also offer a greater read range, making them more suitable for applications like tolling and real-time tracking.

In addition to the cost of tags, you’ll need a reader to interpret the data and transmit it to your computer system. Readers can come in a variety of forms, from handheld devices to fixed ones that attach to a conveyor belt or to the bottom of a bin. Choosing the right one for your facility depends on the size of your inventory and the amount of time you spend handling it.

Both passive and active RFID RTLS systems can be costly, but they pay for themselves through increased efficiency and improved inventory management. In addition, the ongoing maintenance mifare desfire ev1 costs are similar to those of barcode systems, which makes them an attractive option for distribution businesses.


An RFID Tag is an electronic identification system that uses radio waves to identify and communicate with objects. It can be used in a variety of applications, from tracking inventory to providing access control for building entrances. Depending on the type of application, RFID tags can be passive or active and can be encased in plastic or embedded in labels. Different types of RFID systems use a variety of frequencies, which determine the signal strength and distance. A low-frequency RFID system has a shorter range and a weaker signal but is less likely to be disrupted by liquid or metal. A high-frequency RFID system has a longer read range and is more sensitive to disruptions, but can handle large volumes of data.

Streamlined receiving time, reduced labor costs, and improved quality assurance are just some of the benefits of RFID technology. It can also help to improve scheduling and forecasting. For example, the system can help to predict inventory needs based on actual demand.

Implementing RFID technology in a library can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the number of tags and the upgrades required for security gates, staff workstations, and self-check machines. Most libraries use RFID to reduce circulation staff workload, and the system can reduce operating expenses by allowing patrons to check out books without assistance.