The Benefits of Playground Slides

playground slide

The Benefits of Playground Slides

A playground slide is a fun and beneficial piece of equipment that can be shaped to fit the needs of any playground. There are nine different types of slides categorized by their shape, material, or chute type.

Kids of all ages love going down slides. They also promote physical activity, since children need to climb up and slide down repeatedly.


Playground slides are an integral part of most playgrounds and offer kids a chance to experience many physical activities that are healthy for growth and development. However, parents should be playground slide aware of the safety precautions to take when playing on a playground slide.

The first thing to consider is whether the slide is a good quality one. The platform of a slide should be flat and there should not be any protrusions that could cause children to get their clothing entangled in them. Also, a safe slide will have a padded ground covering around it to cushion a fall or a jump off the equipment.

Another important factor is whether the slide has a queue area or ladder. If it does, it teaches children to wait their turn and not rush the process of going down the slide. This is a great social skill that they can carry over to other play structures such as swings and climbing equipment.

Lastly, it is important that parents check for signs of wear and tear on the equipment and the ground covering. Make sure there are no broken pieces of wood or glass that could be a hazard for kids. It is also a good idea to check for the presence of ground cushioning as this will help protect young kids from injuries that can occur by running or falling over equipment that may not be cushioned enough.


Playground slides are a favorite of children everywhere. The exhilaration of sliding down a fast-moving slide is unlike any other playground experience, and it’s no wonder kids can spend hours at a time on the playground simply riding down the slide! But the benefits of playing on a playground slide extend far beyond the fun of gliding down and back up. The simple act of climbing up to use the slide provides kids with several important developmental lessons and experiences.

Climbing up to go down the slide is a physical activity that engages a child’s whole body. It’s challenging for kids to scale a tall structure and make that initial rapid movement down to the bottom, but it’s a huge confidence booster for them when they face this challenge successfully. Children also learn to balance and coordinate their movements while navigating the steps up the ladder to the top.

Playground slides can be a great addition to any playground design. They’re versatile, affordable, and can be implemented in a variety of ways. From a single platform slide to a large bespoke stainless steel tube slide, you can find the perfect fit for your playground needs. They encourage kids to get active and foster a healthy lifestyle, reducing the risk of obesity, sedentary behavior and early onset diabetes.

Social Skills

In a playground, kids interact with one another in a safe space to build social skills. They may need to take turns using a playground slide, or work together to make the structure functional. Working to communicate with others and learning to share, take turns and develop patience are valuable skills that kids can practice and hone while playing on the playground.

Using the slide also fosters balance and coordination. Children must use their hands and feet to climb up the ladder, and then coordinate their movements as they move toward the top of the slide and decide when to go down. This type of spatial orientation is beneficial for later math processes, like navigating stairs and finding letters in writing.

Slides also help kids learn about cause and effect. They might playground slide notice that sitting down on the equipment causes them to slide all the way to the bottom, for example. This is important for building more complex concepts, such as empathy, that kids will need in their daily lives.

Playground slides are fast and fun, so they can be a quick way for kids to enjoy the playground. While some other playground equipment takes a bit of effort to get started, such as swings, the slide gives them a rush right away. This quick gratification can encourage kids to engage in more play and exercise, which is beneficial for improving posture.


Kids learn important health lessons when they play on playground slides. For example, climbing up a slide ladder requires hand-foot-eye coordination to grasp each rung and reach the top of the structure. Climbing down a slide requires a balance of body weight and leg strength to safely glide back to the ground. Slides should have a guardrail or other device at the top that requires children to sit down and hold on when they go down, as children who slide while standing can fall off and hurt themselves.

Kids also develop balance and spatial awareness as they play on slides. For example, climbing up a ladder to the top of a slide teaches kids to judge how much they need to move their feet and hands to reach each rung. Slides that allow two kids to race down together help them learn to coordinate their movements and share an activity with friends.

Playground slides can be made from a variety of materials, and they can have different shapes. A straight slide is the traditional playground slide, but wavy and spiral slides add more challenge to the experience. Metal playground slides can get hot under the sun, so they should be placed in shade or otherwise covered. Plastic slides can create static that can interfere with cochlear implants, so a stainless steel slide is a good option for kids who have this type of equipment.